Somos Inka Horizon Adventures
Vive la experiencia y cree en lo imposible


INKA HORIZON ADVENTURES is a local company, which is based purely in Cusco, Peru. Our wide variety of tours allow us to satisfy the needs of all of our travelers. As a company, we understand that the key to success is in fulfilling our travelers dreams, based on the experience of our team of professionals. Striving for our objective, is something we put a great amount of emphasis into, in order to deliver a unique and memorable experience for each group and individual who choose to travel with Inca Horizon Adventures; “Quality of Service for the Highest

Satisfaction of our travelers.”

We are a responsible and sustainable company and this is shown through our environment, customs and traditions of our culture, Quechua, Andean and indigenous people. Our objective is to support the local community. To achieve this goal, we make sure that these people are our providers in creating a partnership within the company as well as supporting health and education. We cannot do this without you. Remember our world deserves more of us.

Our mission is to perform and deliver an excellent quality of service to our travelers; providing them unforgettable travel, enjoyable and meaningful connections with the environment and people. We guarantee services that exceed their expectations. With this objective, we aim to earn the reputation as your number one travel company. Our main aim is to make sure that each traveler is satisfied with our unique service; saving you time and money to enjoy a valuable trip.

Our vision for our company is to make sure that we are the strongest leaders and innovators in delivering one of the best travel experiences in Peru. We would like to be recognized for our professionalism, as well as producing a high quality of service on our tours. We put great importance in creating a non-profit project so that we are able to take advantage of the wide variety of resources that we have in Peru; through this, we are able to support the local economy and provide extra value towards it.

We believe that by travelling sustainably, we can transform the world, and connect different cultures. As a result, we are committed to preserving the magic of the locals, the Quechua language, the Andean villages, the wildlife, and the planet as a whole. Our aim is to share our wisdom about the local people in order to contribute to making a better world.


Story of company

My name is Javier Cruz Mayta (known as Javi). I am the owner and Director of Inka Horizon Adventures. I was born in a small village within the sacred valley, near to Cusco. I grew up speaking Quechua, which is the local Inca language. My parents still live on my family’s farmland, and travel to the city once a week to sell their products. Besides farming, my father works as a porter on the Inca Trail.

I went to school in my village during my elementary years, and then I attended my secondary school, located 1 hour away from my village. When I graduated, I needed to earn some money, as my dream was to become a pilot in the Air Force. At this time, my dear father invited me to become a porter on the Inca Trail which I fell in love with. My dream of becoming a pilot subsided, as my love of food, the many different languages of travelers I met and their stories of their culture, took over. Following this, I registered for a place within the culinary school, where I studied Cuisine in order to be a professional chef whilst at the same time, continuing as a porter on the Inca Trail.

After I began to study Tourism and English whilst working as a chef, teaching cooking classes for tourists. Once I graduated from University, I worked for a variety of travel companies which resulted in me becoming a licensed tour guide. I started this company during the pandemic, as I wanted to fulfil the needs of travelers and to share everything I knew as a local professional tour guide.

The company is named, ‘Inca Horizon Adventures,’ due to the development of the Inca civilization in Cusco, which has been chosen among many names, suggested by my family and friends from around the world, for which I owe a huge amount of thanks.

Thank you for taking the time to read this short story.

Inka Horizon Adventures Team

Travelling and trekking along the mountains is one of the best activities in the World. Connecting with nature and conquering your own limits to get to the highest points of the creation can’t be beat by anything. But this activity needs to be supported by professionals and for that same reason we have our professional trekking guides. People who know all of the secrets of the land, the best way to trek and also tons of information about every site visited.

The Inka Horizon Adventures guides are 100% local. From different villages and communities from Cusco. They mastered the craft of leading groups through the most beautiful places and over the highest elevations without losing any bit of information and any tip to make the hiking more enjoyable.

Our guides have graduated in Tourism and passed tests to be able to guide all type of tours. All of them will lead your group from beginning to end. The whole journey will be alongside your guides. Every group counts with one guide and if the group is bigger than 8 people there will be 2. They are in charge of the team from the hotel pick up to the hotel drop off.

Our  guides are able to communicate in both English and Spanish. Quechua is our main language and they will be more than happy to help translating your words towards the porters and also teaching you some of our ancient language.

An Inka Horizon Adventures’ guide knows everything about the path, knows how to manage the cold weather impact on their hikers, knows about all the flora and fauna along the experience, are the best talkers, no team will be bored with our guide and also are amazing photographers. Know all of the best spots to get the best pic at the best time. Our guides can be boys or girls, women guides are not many in Cusco but they have the equal opportunities with us. A lot of stories our guides will share with you. You will become a new member of Inka Horizon family and will enjoy an experience you will never forget.

Trekking along the mountains, on your way to Machupiccho it is a once in a lifetime experience. Which won’t be possible to be done without our staff. Our guides, chefs, horsemen and porters make the trek possible and provide all the needed help.

The trekking chefs  are trained since they studied in gastronomy schools in Cusco. There are 2 ways to become a trekking chef and both of them are equally acceptable.

A lot of them study gastronomy, work in the different touristic restaurants Cusco has to offer and then make the jump to the Andes. The other way is by learning on the field. Every trekking chef has an assistant. Someone who will help with all the set up and serving the meals. Learning day by day until the moment he/she is ready to step up as a leading trekking chef. Both ways work and you can find a lot of success stories and joy of being able to work along the treks. Our trekking chefs are a mix of the two ways. We have amazing chef who started as assistant chefs and even trekking chefs who became leading guides after studying. Every time you hike the Inca Trail, you are supporting them and also living part of their history.


Being a trekking chef for the Inca Trail or any adventure towards Machu Picchu is not easy at all. A trekking chef needs to carry all the needed gear for every day’s meals, set up the kitchen tent and start the process to provide the best dishes you can imagine.

All of the meals are cooked on the spot and follow the most detailed protocols to make the food both delicious and safe. Our trekking chefs can cater to any dietary need or allergies without losing any of the flavor these meals will have. A great hot breakfast, a three course lunch and happy hour with dinner to make everyday a treat. Hiking is better when knowing that the best food is waiting for you.

Our porters are made up of proud Peruvian people who live simple lives as farmers in neighboring villages. They are people from Peru, from their 18 years old  according peruvian regulations, they are able to work  because around 17 years old we finish secundary school, and come from several different villages in Cusco region. They mainly speek QUECHUA language, however the new generations are able to speek both Quechua and Spanish, so if you want to practice your spanish they will be more that happy talking with you. Most os the time we have father and son, siblings and relatives working for us. Employeing them, it is impossible without your travels to Peru to do some trekking, especially the famous inka trail. Our porters have chance to keep growing for example to be a trekking cooks, trekking guides. We help them advising and giving flexible work system  while they are studiying. Our company will be happy and proud having them at new better job positions. It is not possible to create the experience we provide without the unbelievably hard working of our team of porters.

We go out of our way to treat them with respect providing fair wages and proper equipment. We care for their health, and we are committed to social projects to help enrich their lives and the well being of their families.  We hope we can improve their lives since they improve our company.

Before 1990, the Inca Trail was not regulated by the Peruvian government, and tourists would carry their equipment, meals, and cook by themselves. Unfortunately, many of these early hikers didn’t pay enough respect to Pachamama and left a lot of trash along the way. Without rangers, there was nobody to clean up the garbage they left. The government took note of this problem and initiated a project to protect the trail. It was at this time they began the permit process, limiting the number of tourists and Peruvian people or crew entering the trail to 500 per day. The government started making these changes in 1990 and continually get more and more strict with how to enter the trail. You may only enter with a licensed tour company, and it is not possible to do it on your own. Each company can organize groups with a maximum of 16 trekkers, 2 guides, and 22 porters. Each porter can carry a max of 25 kg.


All tours and treks are provided only by INKA HORIZON ADVENTURES staff. It means for you that our company will never pass you onto another commpany or 3rd party; we will work directly for you. All the departures are 100% guaranteed- if you have booked and made deposit. ¡You go with us!

All of our treks and tours require a minimum of two travelers. If you already have at least two in your group, you can choose virtually any date to start your tour or trek (depending on the availability INKA TRAIL). We are happy to place solo travelers in one of our existing groups, subject to availability.

Our tour guides are absolutely amazing! They are all from local villages and the surrounding areas. Quechua (the ancient language of the Inca which is still very much alive in Peru) is their first language, with Spanish being their second language. However, they all speak English as their third language. Every single day, they express their passion and enthusiasm for sharing their world with our clients. Our tour guides are constantly being re-trained in first aid, flora and fauna to ensure their knowledge is up-to-date. They even know how to recognize when our clients may need assistance or when slowing down is necessary (even when the clients won’t admit it!).

We have put together an incredible choice of tours based on the high demand from our clients. Every adventure is detailed on this website. We add new tours when there is an interest or a need in exploring new areas. If you don’t see the expedition you are in search of, we encourage you to email us your request. We will happily put together a customized itinerary for you with a minimum of two travelers!

Our clients tell us that one of the biggest challenges they face while booking in Peru is getting an internet response to initial inquiries. Our travel specialists are all well-trained to understand the requirements and concerns of our clients and how to communicate with you in a clear manner. You can expect a prompt response from us through email, online chat or by telephone during our hours of operation. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service!

Inka Horizon Adventures  is an eco-friendly organization with sustainable values. We clean up after ourselves, but we even have campaigns where our staff cleans up the messes others have left behind. There is a key concept in the Andean cosmovision known as “ayni”. It means “reciprocity” – that as you take, you must give back. We are dedicated to treating our beautiful Mother Earth, known as “Pachamama” in Peru, with respect and honor in exchange for all the abundance she gives to us.

Our tour prices clearly outline what is included and what is not included. If you choose to compare prices, be sure to take into account what the company is providing you with.

We are fully licensed. These are all obtained from the government and from Peruvian authorities of toursim. We are compliant with all Peruvian laws including paying proper taxes and following all employment rights laws for all of our staff. When you choose to travel with Inka Horizon Adventures you know you are in safe hands. We will take it to eleven, making sure that this is your best vacation – which has been recognized by our travellers who have traveled with us. We are excited to meet you all and take you on a truly unique and memorable Peruvian experience.


We promote the inclusión of women as leaders and experts in our various travel destinations and throughout our tourism operation, always seeking gender balance in our employment practices. We actively want to encrease the number of employment opportunities for women in the travel industry, we firmly believe that this will help us to progress as a global community and more inclusive society.

It is not secret, that problems surrounding gender persist in Peru, where thousands of women struggle each day, because of their gender. To improve this situation, we know we all must contribute. We are proud of our initiatives that seek to lay the foundations of a new and fairer society and our company is on a mission to doublé the number of women leaders and travel experts in our entire tourism operation. We also continuously strive to empower every woman in our Andean communities, with aim of improving their job opportunities and quality of life.

We know it will be hard but we are endlessly motivated to make it possible for a more just society.

Inka Horizon Adventures is a company dedicated to preserving nature. It’s a company that has worked hard in order to preserve the trails and treks for the enjoyment of the local people and future generations. Some hikers, porters, and even local people have been found to throw away garbage along the trails leaving them dirty and negatively affecting the local people and indigenous wildlife that live in the Andes. Every year our company organizes a Cleaning Campaign where we have staff members clean the trail and pick up plastic bottles or any non-organic item. In adition we organize some talks related to climate change and the impact of pollution this we do in educational centers and local indegenous communities, there are opportunities for people who love our planet and wants to do some talks of sensitization in Cusco, we will help you organizing it and will provite you a translator. Share your idea to safe our mother earth.

For a long time we all have experienced many forest fires and deforestation all over the world, and the Andes especially the Cusco region is no stranger to this big problem. Many people looking for larger farmland are burning forest, cutting down trees for industry reasons, and each year we are left with less and less vegetation. In addition to this issue, most farmers are growing trees that negatively impact the environment. Such as eucalyptus trees that deteriorate the surrounding soil, decrease the water and with their natural oils create a dry environment that is prone to wildfires. Unfortunately, the local farmers only see their own benefits in the profit they make and not the needs of nature itself. Our company takes advantage of the wet seasons and each year we promote reforestation and donate native andean Polilepys Trees to the local villages. So if you are coming to cusco in wet season, you will join us to go one of the local communities or the mountain directly to plant. Planting a tree you plant lives.

For many years these villages have been forgotten by our Peruvian government, especially those villages located in the middle of the mountains which do not even have access to cars and people can only arrive by horses. We consider that our region Cusco receives more than a million tourists per year which would make you think that Cusco is the richest region but it is not. Considered as one of the poorest region in Peru due to the money collected from tourism industry is sent to Lima.

Our porpuse is solely to make children happy. Can there be anything meaninfull than kids happiness? Luckily a vacancy has just opened up and we want you to fill it! Imagine being Father Christmas for a day, being someone magical and exotic who will delight and enchant the children. Well, we would like to give you this opportunity.

If you are planning a trip to Peru,Cusco and Machupiccho, or have any other tours booked with us we ask you to bring along a small toy, or anything else that tickles your fancy, to give to the andean children of remote communities. If, you want to feel like Santa Claus to children that will appreciate just about anything you give them and this is your chance. It is actually quite easy.

We want to surprise these children with our own Santa Claus and to give them a true Christmas party with gifts. If you would like to be a part of this, then we would welcome any small presents or tokens that you would like these children to receive at Christmas. Remember that thing you never really use – that would probably be perfect, or that stuff collecting dust in the attic – perfect. We want to make a truly magical Christmas for these children as this time of year is for them. In that spirit we invite you to bring anything – whether it is simply something useful (clothing, school books, toys, etc.) or something that is simply going to bring them joy.

Inka Horizon Adventures  does this activity every year, so you are welcome to join if coming to Peru near these holiday dates. Otherwise, you can bring a toy and we will save it until it is time to give it to a kid on christmas month.